Thursday, July 18, 2013


Maybe some people have seen me transform from friends-ly into family person. If before when I was young (well now I'm also still young *ngarep*), about 16s until 30s, I was always being with many friends. My friend, even called me, "Anak Gaul". At one time, I was hang out with my group friends A, and the other time with my another groups. I was always out, never at home. I used to talk with my friends, not my family. But, now it's change. Not only me who change, but also my group friends. They become family persons. Not only for my main family, which is : My mom-dad-sisters-brother-brother in laws-sister in laws- hubby-son- nephews, but also with other relatives. We had "arisan keluarga", from my mom's side and dad's side. When I was young, I never like went to this kind of events, arisan, weddings, or everything that related with family. But now, I started to like it.

لَا يُؤْ مِنُ اَحَدُكُمْ حَتَّى يُحِبَّ لِاَخِيْهِ مَا يُحِبُّ

"Tidak sempurna iman seseorang sehingga ia mencintai saudaranya sebagaimana ia mencintai dirinya sendiri."
(HR. Bukhari-Muslim)

I love my family, eventhough I also admit that my family itself is not perfect. There are some problems with one and another. Eventhough we come from same parents, but we have different personalities. But my parents always say to us, that they want to see us get along, harmonious. So, eventhough we fought, but I always want us to back together. Not only me but also my other siblings think same way. And we also do same thing with our big family. That's why, FAMILY COMES FIRST. But I'm also still open friendship with other people. Eventhough not always hang out here and there. Same situation happens with my group friends. I think it's very big step for them too. I think we are growing up, become more mature. So, I like this transformation :)

If we can handle relationship with our own family, its show our maturity. Why? Because friends are like surface of the material. We only see them from the top. We don't grow up together, eventhough they are friends from we were kids, but we never stay at 1 roof. We only know them when we meet, chat, curhat, but that's all. If we don't like them, we can erase them from our friendship and find another ones. But family is different, we live together,we saw them from they were baby, until they have children or even grandchildren. The more we see each other and live together, the more we see things that we don't like. But, we must overcome it. (IMHO).

The conclusion is :
"Perlunya untuk tenggang rasa, mencoba untuk menerima kelebihan dan kekurangan orang lain. Bersikap lebih sabar dan memaafkan. Menjauhi sifat egois dan kekanak2an."

I admit that I'm still egoist and childish. But, I want that my son, my nephews or even my grand children still remind me as family. They also feel that "FAMILY COMES FIRST". I believe that if we will be treated as we treat others. So, be careful!

Veilicious! The truth beauty is wrapped in a beautiful way...

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