Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Morning Talk

Last Wednesday, Me and my colleague went to customer. On the way to customer's office, I had a little conversation with the driver, just call him "Pak Supir) :) Actually I just wanted to "basa-basi", but after my short question, came long "curhat" as belows :

Gue : Pak, how many children do you have?
Pak Supir : two
Gue: ooh... how old are they?
Pak Supir : My big daughter has finished her high school.
Gue : Ooh.. Where does she want to continue her school?
Pak Supir : Hm.. I don't know. Maybe she wants to work. From high school she sometimes works as SPG.
Gue : Ooh.. that's great. Maybe she can continue her school while working :)

I thought it would be end of my "basa-basi" but...

Pak Supir : Actually I have separated with my wife for 8 years now. So, my children are with my ex-wife now. But I'm still responsible to my children.
Gue : Ooh.. no possibility to get back together again? *I don't like divorce*.
Pak Supir : No mbak, I can't. Because we were divorce because of the third person (from his ex-wife side).
Gue : Ooh.. Okay, it will be really hurt :( Feel sorry for you.

Okay, I thought it would be full stop, no to be continued... :)

Pak Supir : I have friend, and his friend was also divorce. Beautiful girl with hijab. I already asked my friend to "comblangin" me, and set up meeting with her.
Gue : Ooh.. that's good pak. I hope she's the right one for you.
Pak Supir : Ya.. I hope so.
Pak Supir : Yesterday, a doctor called me. She's single, and she wanted to be my wife.

He continued "curhat" about his personal life again

Gue : Ooh, well it's good pak.
Pak Supir : but I felt shame, I only a driver and she is a doctor.
Gue : Hm.. *I'm speechless don't know what to say, and saved by the bell! I already arrived at my customer's office*

At first I just wanted to "basa-basi" with pak Supir, but suprisingly he told me his personal story. I have known him for long time, and we never talk much, because this man is a quiet person. I hope he can release his problem (even only a little) by talking with me.
*Actually he talked many things, but I forgot summarized it*

Veilicious! The truth beauty is wrapped in a beautiful way...

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